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Pool Stone Path

Remember: You Don't Have To Go It Alone ..... Most reputable Builders will pay for your representation!


We can help you before the construction of your home actually starts. From offering you SmartHome Technology Solutions to putting you with the right Arhcitect to design your home, we are with you every step of the way.



Real Estate Associate Cost To You - It could be Nothing! In most cases the compensation given to REALTOR is recognized by the builder as a marketing fee and has no impact on the final cost of the home. Most reputable Builders desire, expect and encourage REALTOR participation.

Savings To You - Are you getting what you're entitle to have ... both in quality and value? Your experienced agent knows what you should receive and what "extras" might be available.


Resale...Appreciation & Profit - Give your investment the best opportunity for appreciation at resale. Questions concerning site location, builder, design and decor are important. Your agent knows you are building not only for today ... but for tomorrow.

You Are Represented - With your real estate agent, YOU are represented! Your agent's experience, knowledge, and reputation represents strength and leverage on your behalf. Remember, the on-site agent in the subdivision represents the builder not the buyer (YOU).

Why Do I Need And Exclusive Buyers Agent?

Exclusive Buyer Agency is an important and wise choice for anyone purchasing property. We are different than the typical listing agencies, and here is WHY:

1) RealNova's Buyers Agent work for you, the Buyer.

2) The Buyers Agent has no legal obligation to the Seller. Our legal obligation is with our buyers and their interests, not the Sellers. We will explain agency law in this state as it pertains to agency and Real Estate. When you call or just show up at a Realtor's home listing....BEWARE...The agent's loyalty is with the Seller or the Builder NOT you.

3) We will show you any property that meets your needs without any allegiances to the owner of the property.  We are not bias as to which listing office has the properties listed.

4) We provide honest and accurate information on the advantages and disadvantages of an area or property because of the lack of allegiance to the Seller.

5) We negotiate on the Buyers behalf to achieve the fairest terms and conditions.

6) We are with the Buyer every step of the way from building inspectors, mortgaging, insurance & closing, to being available after the sale.

7) Every Buyer should have personal representation. Think of buying and selling as a court case. Would you want the same attorney that is representing the other side?


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